The Prestan® AED UltraTrainer™ offers features not found on any other universal AED trainer and is the most accurate representation of how current AEDs in the field perform. The Prestan AED trainer gives a realistic training experience with pad-sensing technology that keeps up with the student while they move through the training steps.
This trainer is easy to use with pre-connected pads and dual graphic adult/child training pads. To switch from adult to child/infant training you press a button indicating practice on a child. The AED trainer is compact and lightweight making it easy to haul around multiples for training several people.
- Optional compression metronome.
- Optional CPR coaching, “Give Breaths” voice prompt
- Automatic or semi-automatic shock simulation
- Low battery warning
- Two languages: English/Spanish
- 2020 guidelines-compliant and upgradable
- Play/pause button
- 5 training scenarios
- AED unit
- Set of adult/child pads
- Extra pad connector buttons
- Instructions
- Carrying bag
- 3-year warranty.